Sample Results
- Click here to view an inclusion paternity testing result without the mother’s sample.
- Click here to view an exclusion paternity testing result with the mother’s sample
Motherless paternity testing
The reports presented below are sample results. They have been created purely to help you understand what you results will look like. They represent the result of a motherless DNA paternity test one where the alleged father is confirmed as the biological father and one where he is excluded. Reports for other type of DNA tests will have a different format and different technical language and key terms.
To understand your paternity test result visit our page : How to Interpret your DNA paternity test result.
We would also like to point out the following points of interest:
1. Included in the analysis as one of the genetic markers is the Amelogenin locus, which will confirm the sex of the person tested. This provides a first check in confirming that the correct samples have in fact been sent to us.
2. When the test is undertaken through discrete samples such as hair or semen, the accuracy of result of the DNA test does not change. Once we have extracted a complete DNA profile we can proceed to comparing the profiles extracted from different people together.
Electropherogram and DNA art – created from your profile
An Electropherogram is a unique means of representing your very own personal data in a graphic way. This graph shows the amplified peaks of your genetic make up. Read What is an electropherogram? to understand more.
If you prefer a more artistic approach then DNA Art is the right choice for you. With different sizes, colours and format options, DNA picture art offers a customisable solution for you to have your genetic profile turned into a beautiful image.
If you have any questions on our sample DNA test results, kindly email us at [email protected]