Ons Plek, meaning ‘Our Place’, is a Child and Youth Care centre based in Cape Town, South Africa. Founded in 1988, the NGO specialises in developmental and therapeutic intake services for homeless girls who have lived, worked or begged on the streets of Cape Town. Being the only centre of its type in this town, the charity’s efforts and contributions leave a really positive impact on the community of this place.
We did not hesitate to help Ons Plek once we learned about their commitments. So we provided the charity with a complimentary maternity test kit to help them determine the type of relationship between an unemployed mother and three girls. We are doubly pleased as in this case we confirmed the maternity link to the biological mother. Read more about EasyDNA’s charitable contribution.

Virginia Beach SPCA is a private, non-profit animal shelter located in Hampton Roads, Virginia. The charity has been serving the Hampton Roads community for over 50 years and honoured with numerous awards since its foundation. In 2018 alone, the organisation managed to successfully care for more than 3,500 domestic animals, mostly being cats and dogs.
We were more than willing to donate a dog breed test kit to be used by VBSPCA as a prize for their raffle held on National Pet Parents day. We hope that this small contribution helps the charity take another step towards its inspiring cause. Read more about EasyDNA’s contribution to Virginia Beach SPCA.

Safer Internet Centre offers a multitude of resources to encourage the responsible and safe use of technology. The charity has three main sectors; an awareness centre; a helpline; and a hotline all in which try to reduce criminal activity whilst online and a place to call if you are confused or suspect such undertakings to be occurring.
We wanted to support such a cause in an age where the internet is expanding faster than ever before, so we have tasked ourselves with raising awareness of the Safer Internet Day (SID) through EasyDNA’s social media accounts. We hope to increase the reach of such an important prevalent issue and help those already experiencing it.

The Children’s Book Bank is a Toronto based charity that offers free literacy equipment for those from an underprivileged background. They aim to provide reading material for children from birth to twelve years old. In a world where most of us take simple things such as the ability to read for granted it is refreshing to see a group of people working hard to give those from a poor background the chance to read and further themselves.
We donated £250 towards the purchase of new reading materials for the bookstore because we truly believed in the cause. Everyone, no matter where you come from, should have the right to read. Read more about EasyDNA’s donation to the charity.

LauraLynn is an Ireland based children’s hospice dedicated to the care of those with life-limiting conditions. The sole aim of the organisation is to improve the palliative care of the children staying at the hospice and their families. Founded in 1925 they have recently opened LauraLynn Home, a service that provides the same incredibly high standards their patients are used to but in the comfort of the child’s own home.
We wanted to try our best help in any way we could. So we contributed towards the purchasing of new mattresses and also the funds for the children’s birthdays to make sure that on their special day they can have as much fun as possible and enjoy their life to the fullest. Read more about EasyDNA’s charity work with LauraLynn.

ProNiño USA is a non-profit organisation headquartered in Richmond, Virginia. The charity funds, trains and provides volunteers for Fundación ProNiño, a residential facility for homeless boys aged 6 to 18, located in El Progreso, Honduras. ProNiño has rescued, housed and educated hundreds of boys and works hard towards reducing poverty, drug use and hopelessness.
EasyDNA is one of ProNiño’s four corporate sponsors for 2014. We happily donated funds so they may be used by the charity to provide the boys with clothing, books, education, housing or shelter. We hope that this small gesture changes some of the children’s lives for the better. Read more about this charitable sponsorship by EasyDNA.