What is laboratory accreditation?
Accreditation is a process that is performed in many countries as a means to determine the technical competence of a DNA testing laboratory. Accreditation is awarded to a laboratory only after is has been thoroughly assessed for its competence based on standard procedure guidelines. The assessment is normally carried out by third-party assessors who will evaluate all the factors in the laboratory that will influence the final production of the test result. These factors will include amongst others the technical competence of the staff, the validity of the methods used in the testing and the maintenance and calibration of the equipment.
EasyDNA tests are all performed by our partner accredited laboratory and hence we provide accurate and accredited testing services. With EasyDNA our promise is that you will get fully accredited DNA testing.
Accuracy of our DNA tests
When performing a DNA paternity test, the result will confirm if the alleged father is the biological father of the child or not. All our DNA tests are analysed on the basis of 21 genetic markers (one of the markers is the sex gene that confirms the sex of the individual tested). This helps us provide accurate DNA tests. In order to obtain a confirmation of paternity all the 20Â genetic markers of the alleged father must match those of the child. This is called an inclusion and in cases where the mother is also included in the test, the Probability of Paternity will be in excess of 99.999%. On the other hand, where the genetic markers do not match in all the loci, the Probability of Paternity will be 0% and will exclude the alleged father with 100% accuracy.
In cases where only one parent and the child are submitted for testing, the resulting probability of the paternity test is in most cases greater than 99.99%, although it is not possible to determine in advance the exact minimum probability of parenthood.
By generating such high levels of probabilities, you can therefore rest assured that our tests are highly accurate and will provide the necessary confirmation of whether the alleged father is in fact the real biological father or whether he can be excluded.
In terms of pricing, you do not need to pay more for an accredited test. EasyDNA offers cheap paternity testing services and we do provide discounts for tests involving more than two people and forensic samples.
In our sample DNA test results section we have provided some examples of what our paternity test result looks like. In addition, we have also provided comprehensive information on how to interpret the results.
EasyDNA service quality
At EasyDNA we have built our reputation for high quality service on the basis of the high level of accuracy of our DNA test results, as well as for the excellent level of customer service we provide to all our clients. At EasyDNA all clients we understand the complex and often sensitive nature of cases requiring DNA testing. Therefore all our customers are treated in a professional and confidential manner as befits the situation. Our extensive experience in DNA testing ensures that we are in a position to give our customers the most optimal solution for their testing requirements.
Worldwide experience
Through our vast network of offices, we have successfully processed thousands of samples originating from all over the world. We have DNA testing laboratories in the UK, Australia and the USA. At EasyDNA we are fully committed to excel in our service through excellent customer service levels and providing our clients with the best service possible whatever country they are in. We maintain standards for every one of our DNA tests ensuring client needs and expectations are always met. For more information about our paternity testing service, visit this web page.
So besides accredited DNA testing, a sound reputation as an international company and one of the first in the industry, you can trust your testing in our hands.
For more information about our accredited paternity test we recommend that you visit our frequent questions section or contact us directly to discuss your case.